Alicen Gordon, OT

Ms. Gordon has 25 years of experience working as a pediatric occupational therapist in the state of Florida. She received her graduate degree from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. Her family along with career opportunities at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital brought Ms. Gordon to the Sunshine State in 1998. It was there she fell in love with helping children from birth to age twenty-one reach their greatest potential. Over the years, she has continued to assist children and adolescents with improving their function, independence, developmental milestones, and overall wellbeing through the occupation of play in the home, pre-schools, out-patient clinics, elementary schools, and daycares.

Her career has allowed her to work with a multitude of diagnoses including Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Sensory Processing Disorders and Developmental Delays. Through her professional experience and training she has gained knowledge of Therapeutic Listening  Brain Gym, Zones of Regulation and the Alert Program for self-regulation, Massage, Yoga, Handwriting Programs, Neurodevelopmental Treatment, Sensory Integration, Social/Behavioral Interventions, and Typical/Atypical Development.

When she is not working, she enjoys traveling, watching movies, walking her dog, and spending time with her husband and two children.


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